Sunday Morning
June 06, 2013
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Although it probably won’t look exactly like this tomorrow morning our forecast for the next couple of days predicts some white in our future. Fall is my favorite season to photograph but once the leaves leave I’m ready for the white stuff. More often than not, there’s about 4-6 weeks of drab brown to endure before everything goes white. We’ll just have to wait and see what this year will bring but it’s looking promising. “Sunday Morning” was created one Palm Sunday a few years ago. I awoke at my usual 6am and was making coffee when I looked out the window and discovered an unpredicted fresh blanket of white with the sky clearing and blue. Time to go to work! This scenario doesn’t happen all that often here in Crested Butte. We get plenty of snow but the clear blue morning sky was a real rare treat. Overnight snows usually give us grey skies until mid-day.
I headed downtown to the historic former mining town becuase it’s much more photogenic than Mount Crested Butte where I live. As I prepared to turn onto Elk Avenue, Crested Butte’s main street, I realized there were no tracks in the fresh snow. There were no cars either. OMG…I’ve never seen this before. Especially on a Sunday morning, there’s almost always a car or two parked near the bars. But not this morning. I immediately backtracked not to create any tracks and drove around my subject for a few blocks becuase I thought the mountain would make a nicer background than the grey skies to the west. Once I got to the west end of Elk Avenue I started thinking about the composition. The first two blocks of Elk just weren’t doing it for me subject wise. The intersection at Second Street was just the ticket though. As the day got brighter the colors of the buildings started to pop and I had my shot. I only had about 10 minutes before the guy stocking the newspaper machines tracked up my scene. I knew it couldn’t last but It was pretty special for a bit. And now it can be special for anyone who wants to appreciate it.
Email me or leave a comment here at the blog if you’re interested in owning Sunday Morning. It’s available in sizes starting at 36″ wide on fine art cotton paper ready for matting and framing.
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Crested Butte,
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