Colorado Winter Pasture with Snow
June 06, 2013
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Bleak winter pasture with odd composition Sorry this post is so late this week. It’s been one of those “uninspired” days. You know the kind. It’s not that you have nothing to do. It’s that you just don’t want to do anything and what you do try to accomplish doesn’t work. Computer is misbehaving. Christmas shopping is not done. Nasty wind outside. Nothing on TV. I do have a good book waiting for me so that’s something. This photograph is kind of how I feel tonight. Interesting lines that don’t go anywhere. Definite stark, lonely, quiet mood but not really depressing. Just kind of introverted. Interesting in an odd, “breaking all the rules” sort of way. I can’t decide whether I really like the photograph or not but I can’t throw it away. I think it may have something to say (at least to me) but I’m not quite sure. What do you think? Does this image stir any emotion or mood in you? Is it just weird? I really would love to know your thoughts and feelings. On a more cheerful note…here’s an invitation. You’re all invited to attend an art opening on Wednesday evening from 6 to 7:30 at The Lodge at Mountaineer Square right across the road from my place here in Mount Crested Butte, Colorado. I hear that there will be some food, music and drink to accompany a lot of top-notch art to grace the walls of the Lodge through the winter months. The Show is called “Winter Blues”. I would love to see you there. No RSVP necessary…just show up. The post Colorado Winter Pasture with Snow appeared first on Dusty Demerson - Crested Butte Photographer.
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