Asymmetrical Convergence

June 06, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Looking up through an Autumn Colored Aspen Grovep1259671830-5

Makes you kind of dizzy huh?

Looking up through a wide angle lens into an Aspen forest can make you dizzy. But you should try it. You especially should try it on a perfect fall day when the sky is unblemished by clouds and the leaves have turned to gold. It’s kind of the reverse effect of trying to drive a car while looking through binoculars…but that’s another story.

Every Colorado photographer has this image in their portfolio. Me too. I have several versions. My favorite is this one I call Asymmetrical Convergence. The composition is what, I feel, makes it a strong image. When I see the other versions with no clear top or bottom to the photo it bothers me. Not that art shouldn’t sometimes bother us but making my viewers uncomfortable is not really what my art is about. I like the fact that this image has a very obvious top and bottom. It’s more pleasing to view this way. The convergence of the tree trunks lead your eyes into the photograph. The composition helps you travel into the image.

If you’re interested in owning this photograph please let me know. It is available in lots of sizes and unlike many of my images, the bigger it gets the cooler it looks. Wallpaper anyone? I can offer very special pricing this week just for you.

On another note, am I the only photographer that needs to let his photos “steep” or rest before committing to them? I find if I try to edit my images too soon after they are captured I suffer from a type of tunnel vision. I can’t really see them objectively. If I come back and look at them 6 months later they appear completely new to me. After the wait the photographs are either exciting or not but I can study them with a critical, objective mind. If I return to the photo after giving it a rest and it still moves me I know I have a winner. If I rush an image to print it frequently ends up in my “sale” box. So for now I guess I should just give those fall photos a rest!

Until next week, enjoy your autumn.

The post Asymmetrical Convergence appeared first on Dusty Demerson - Crested Butte Photographer.


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Crested Butte, Colorado photographer, Dusty Demerson creates fine art photography displayed as prints and canvases and provides private photo tours in and around western Colorado.

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