Semi-Random Photo Thoughts on a Sunday Afternoon

June 06, 2013  •  Leave a Comment
Sunset Clouds and Half a Moonp1259670178-5
A Hand-Shaped Cloud Catches Half a Moon.
Sometimes stuff just happens! You’re chatting in the driveway with your neighbor while you’re supposed to be taking out the trash and, “Oh look, that cloud is catching the Moon”. So, you hurriedly say good-bye to your neighbor who is still wondering what you were talking about and you grab your closest camera. Since the red cloud is a result of the sun which has already set you know you don’t have much time. The closest camera was the Canon G9 “point and shoot” which usually lives in my truck. By the time I had the camera in hand the cloud had moved. Now I’m chasing a cloud/moon juxtaposition through my neighborhood trying to make pictures while the cloud gets darker and darker and less and less red. This whole display and photo session lasted maybe 3 minutes. There weren’t many opportunities to get distracted.
I’m not sure the photo is all that interesting to anyone else but I kind of like it. Since I’m starting to prepare for the upcoming art season I thought I’d throw it out there and see If I get any comments. Each spring I go through the images I’ve taken over the past year to see if there was anything I missed and to search for new offerings I’ll need to print, mat and frame. This annual exercise gives the photos time to rest and settle. It sounds weird but I’m usually excited about my photos immediately after they’re captured. If I’m still excited 6 months later then maybe some other people will find them exciting too. It doesn’t always work this way but almost every time I print an image a day or two after it was taken I end up giving it away or putting the print in the “sale” basket. I know other artists go through this too. Especially photographers! I’ll bet it’s a result of the digital technology which takes the time from shoot to print down to a couple of hours if not faster. Back in the “film days” we had to finish the roll, take or send it to a lab, wait to get the pictures back and then edit our work. The excitement delay was built into the technology or lack of technology. Ah, the “good old days”.
I do love the digital technology we enjoy in photography these days. We have so many more tools at our disposal to fine-tune our images than we ever had with wet darkrooms. It’s actually possible to control elements of the photograph we couldn’t even imagine changing 15 years ago. That’s not to say the tools are always used well or the “vision” for the finished artwork is credible. I’m just saying that It’s great to have tools and controls we used to dream about.
See you next week!
This just in….
January sunrise Crested Butte Mountain, Coloradop1259670192-5
Red Sky at Morning

Sold this week from a new art hosting company . You can view my images with them at www.dusty-

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Crested Butte, Colorado photographer, Dusty Demerson creates fine art photography displayed as prints and canvases and provides private photo tours in and around western Colorado.

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